Evaluating a Job Offer: Some Things to Stop and Think About

Receiving a job offer can be exciting yet stressful.   It can be tempting to accept it right away if you’ve been job searching for a while and are either unemployed or in a current job you are dying to move on from.  But even if the offer sounds perfect, there is always a lot more to consider when evaluating a job offer than meets the eye.  Even before the negotiating begins, ask for a window of at least 72 hours to decide if the job is really worth taking or if you are only seeing what you want to see.  Here are some helpful tips on how to evaluate a job offer:

1)  First take a close look at salary and benefits

There are many factors to take into account when deciding whether or not to take a job, but if the salary isn’t enough there’s no point in considering the offer.  And even if the salary seems high, if the benefits aren’t satisfactory it may not be as good of a deal as it seems.  When evaluating a job offer, here are a few things to examine regarding salary and benefits:

2)  What will your work-life balance look like?

Do you have a family?  A passion for traveling or extracurricular activities that require schedule flexibility?  Or maybe you have health problems or a disability that requires certain accommodations.  When evaluating a job offer, it won’t matter how much money you will be making if you won’t have time to enjoy your life.  Here are a few factors to consider regarding work-life balance:

3)  Career Potential

When evaluating a job offer, it’s important to think long-term.  When you meet your potential manager, find out as much as you can about their management style and personality.  Does it fit well with your personality and needs?  Meet as many employees as you can to get an idea of whether you will feel comfortable working with them.  This will have a huge impact on your happiness and ability to succeed at your job.  Then take a look around the office.  It’s important for the work environment to be suitable since you will be spending a lot of time there.

Do some research to learn more about the company’s culture and mission and see if it aligns you’re your own values.  Finally, ask about career advancement opportunities when evaluating a job offer.  Is this a job that will allow you to develop the skills and experience you need to continue to grow in the professional direction you want?

Remember, any of the details you negotiate in a job offer need to be in writing.  If you accept the job, keep the offer for your records to ensure that none of the conditions of the agreement slip through the cracks.


Article Name:
Evaluating a Job Offer: Some Things to Stop and Think About
There is always a lot more to consider when evaluating a job offer than meets the eye. Even before the negotiating begins, ask for a window of at least 72 hours to decide if the job is really worth taking. Here are some helpful tips on how to evaluate a job offer.
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Employment Alert
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