Good News on the Status of Summer Seasonal Jobs in 2018

Job seekers can anticipate another strong market for summer seasonal jobs this year.  That is, if they aren’t already employed.  The unemployment rate dropped to 3.9% in April 2018, which according to Adecco USA is the first time it’s been under 4% since 2000.  There were a total of 164,000 jobs added in April, making it the 91st consecutive year of job gains (which the New York Times referred to as “the longest streak of increases on record”). And wages have been steadily increasing, going up 8% in March and 4% in April.  Here are some more updates on the current labor market:

Tips on Searching for Summer Seasonal Jobs

To help ensure you land the position you desire for the summer, update your resume.  Make sure you tailor your resume to the specific summer seasonal job you are applying for and include enough keywords from the job description.  Also, it helps to use a personal branding statement that shows who you are as a person overall and what you are looking for in a career.

Summer is a great time for networking.  To get first dibs on some of the best summer seasonal jobs, make personal connections at barbecues, parties, and networking events.  Also, make a list of companies you are interested in working for and begin reaching out to their employees on LinkedIn.

How to Make Your Summer Seasonal Job Last

Summer seasonal jobs are a great opportunity for teens to learn customer service and communication skills, learn how to manage money, gain professional contacts and references, and learn more about themselves.  For older workers, it’s a great way to make money on the side or if you are unemployed summer seasonal jobs can help you get your foot in the door to a more permanent gig.  Here are some tips on how to make your summer seasonal job last:

Click below for summer seasonal jobs in:

New York, NY

Cleveland, OH

Los Angeles, CA

Charleston, SC

New Orleans, LA


Article Name:
Good News on the Status of Summer Seasonal Jobs in 2018
Job seekers can anticipate another strong market for summer seasonal jobs this year. Here are some more updates on the current labor market, how to search for summer jobs and what to do to make your seasonal job last.
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Employment Alert
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