3 Substantial Benefits of Telecommuting for Employers

benefits of telecommuting for employersIt’s a well-known fact that telecommuting is highly favored among employees.  A recent survey from GlobalWorkplaceAnalytics.com found that 80% to 90% of U.S. workers would like to telecommute at least part time.  This is because it allows employees to have more work/life balance, be more productive, and reduce commuting stress, among other reasons.  Implementing telecommuting options also offers many benefits for employers.

If you don’t currently have a telecommuting policy at your business, it’s likely that many of your employees already do some of their work outside of the office.  Especially during the recent inclement weather in parts of the United States, chances are many employees at least checked their e-mail from home.  If this is the case, telecommuting should be an easy transition.  To help you decide whether allowing employees to work from home is a good option for your company, here are three substantial benefits of telecommuting for employers:

1)  It can save you quite a bit of money

Allowing employees to work from home reduces your company’s overhead costs, since you will need less office space.  Even if you have employees come to the office a few days a week, you can arrange them to telecommute on different days so they can share a workspace.  Another one of the telecommuting benefits that reduces spending for employers is fewer sick days among your staff.  When an employee has the option to work from home, it makes it easier for them to work when they have an illness that requires them to stay home from the office.  The Global Workplace Analytics survey mentioned above found that if all the employees that have the ability and desire to work from home did so at least half the time, businesses would save $11,000 per person per year.

2)  It makes your employees more productive and available

Among the benefits of telecommuting for employers is the increased amount of time your employees will be available.  The time and stress associated with their commute will no longer be an issue.  And since employees have more schedule flexibility, they will be more motivated to finish up a project or respond to e-mails after regular work hours.  Employees often feel telecommuting is a privilege, and respond by going the extra mile in their work performance. Many employees also find they focus better at home because there are less distractions and interruptions, such as meetings and chatty co-workers.

3)  It improves your employee recruitment and retention

A better choice of talented job applicants is another one of the telecommuting benefits for employers.  Job seekers often make career choices based on what will work around their life, including family and parenting responsibilities.  Many skilled workers have also telecommuted in the past and tend to look for that option in other jobs they apply for.  Higher employee retention is also among the benefits of telecommuting for employers.   Having the option to work from home makes many employees lives easier and happier, making them more likely to stick with your company.  That also means less money spent on recruiting and training new employees.

When you allow employees to work from home, it’s important to set clear goals and expectations.  Also, be sure to communicate regularly and find ways to keep them connected and informed about what is going on in your company.

Author: Jessica Cody

Jessica Cody, a native of Fairfield County, Connecticut, has a background in online marketing and public relations. Currently, she works at VHMNetwork LLC in the role of Marketing Analyst. She is a graduate of the University of Connecticut, where she studied Journalism and Political Science. She is also an avid runner with a passion for the outdoors.

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